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A House in Jerusalem

A House in Jerusalem

A House in Jerusalem

West Jerusalem is dotted with comfortable stone villas built by affluent Palestinian families in the early 20th century, who were forced to abandon their homes 1948. The film delves into this legacy with a supernatural tale about a British-Jewish woman who moves to Jerusalem seeking to move on from a painful past. When she moves into old Palestinian house in West Jerusalem, she encounters the ghost of a Palestinian girl who was separated from her family in 1948.
  • Director:
    Muayad Alayan,
  • Actor:
    Johnny Harris, Miley Locke, Sheherazade Makhoul Farrell, Jiana Awwad, Rebecca Calder,
  • Producer:
    Hanneke Niens, Alastair Clark, Giorgos Karnavas, Abeer Salman, Muayad Alayan, Rami Musa Alayan, Dorothe Beinemeier, Rachel Robey,
  • Writer:
    Rami Musa Alayan, Muayad Alayan,
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  • Country:
    United Kingdom, Netherlands, Palestine, Germany,
  • Language:
    English, Hebrew, Arabic,
  • Release:
    January 25, 2023
  • Duration:
    103 min
  • Genres:
More Information
  • Country:
    United Kingdom, Netherlands, Palestine, Germany,
  • Language:
    English, Hebrew, Arabic,
  • Release:
    January 25, 2023
  • Duration:
    103 min
  • Genres: